

这个政策被称为 Title IV基金的返还(R2T4)政策——适用于任何获得经济援助的人, 证明其在注册班级的注册, 然后退出或失败 这学期的成绩是A. 这包括停学或开除的情况. It is highly recommended that any student contemplating dropping a class for which they registered contact the CC 金融援助 office to setup an appointment to discuss altering their scheduled enrollment and what impact that 对他们的财政援助资金有什么影响.


收回(n) (al): When a student does not maintain attendance/enrollment in all the calendar days during the 付款期限(学期) for which they were awarded financial aid and the student does not provide a written statement to the CC Dean of 学生 Office before the day they ceased attendance/dropped the class certifying they planned to attend a course during a future block 同样地 付款期限(学期). Certification of future block enrollment will not be accepted as true and accurate information if the submitting student is in fact not registered for a future block in the semester at the time their certification statement is reviewed. 这样的学生将被视为退学学生,用于经济援助目的. 如果学生不能在同一学期注册一个未来的模块,因为一个模块不存在, 出于联邦政府的考虑,该学生被视为退学. 很少有联邦政府对这一政策的豁免:

    1. A student is not considered to have withdrawn if the student successfully completes 一个 module that includes 49% or more of the number of days in the payment period, 不包括连续五天或五天以上的计划休息时间以及模块之间的所有时间.
    2. A student is not considered to have withdrawn if the student successfully completes a combination of modules that cumulatively contain 49% or more of the number of days in the payment period, 不包括连续五天或五天以上的计划休息时间以及模块之间的所有时间.
    3. A student is not considered to have withdrawn if the student successfully completes course work equal to or greater than the course work required for the institution’s definition of a half-time student under 34CFR668.2(b)付款期限.

重要的是要注意,学生可以被视为正式退学或非正式退学. “撤回”是联邦政府认可的术语,有明确的联邦定义和具体的管理条例.


Title IV (Federal) funds are awarded to CC students under the assumption that they will attend classes for the entire 付款期限(学期) for which the assistance is awarded. 如果学生退学, 因为任何原因包括医疗问题, 学生可能不再有资格获得原计划获得的全额经济援助资金.

如果学生退学 prior to attending at least 60% of the total calendar days that comprise their initially-scheduled enrollment period, 学生可能被要求返还或偿还他们在该学期获得的部分经济援助. 这一联邦要求涵盖的FSA项目包括:联邦佩尔助学金, 联邦直接斯塔福德贷款, 联邦直接附加贷款, 联邦补充教育机会补助金(FSEOG), 和其他第四章项目. 按比例的时间表用于确定退学学生在退学时所获得的联邦学生援助资金的数额. 机构和国家援助是根据学生在该学期的COA的任何减少而按比例分配的.e. 减少1/3或2/3). 如果学生在第1部分或第5部分的100%退款(加/退)期间退学, 该学期的所有助学金将被取消并退还.


任何希望从赌博正规的十大网站退学的学生都有责任启动退学程序. 正式退出程序是通过CC咨询中心完成的. 如果一个学生打算不去CC上课 一个 or 多块, 学期开始前或期间, 强烈建议他们预约与CC财务援助的工作人员谈谈他们离开教室的时间有什么影响, 然而短暂, 对他们的财政援助资金有什么影响.


正式从赌博正规的十大网站退学, 学生必须向教务处提交休学申请. 填妥的申请表将由院长办公室分发给所有相关办公室, 然而, it is highly recommended that students who choose to withdraw from the College visit the CC 金融援助 Office as well as the CC Student Accounts Office to ensure they understand what will happen with their financial aid and their bill. 如果退学学生不打算在未来重新注册CC课程, 学院要求他们完成学生办公室院长的离职面谈.

如果学生不能完成正式的退学程序, 退学意向必须以书面形式(电子邮件或信件)告知学生办公室主任。.



(1)学生未完成正式退学手续就停止上课, 他们会把这门课的成绩记录为WF. 学生们的成绩是WF, Y, or switch to auditing (Z) after the block in review has begun and that do not begin attendance in the next block 同样地 付款期限(学期) as confirmed by their professor will be considered unofficially withdrawn for the semester.

(2) If a student does not attend classes for 60 calendar days and has not filed a Block Off request or a Withdrawal with Intent to Return request they will be dropped from the College and treated as an unofficial withdrawal.

(3) If a student does not successfully complete (with a passing grade) any of courses they were scheduled to attend in a given term and does not officially withdraw or otherwise provide notice of their intent to withdraw, 他们将被视为“非正式撤回”。.

在这三种情况下, 联邦法规要求进行联邦第四章基金回报计算.



  • 学生开始正式退学程序的日期
  • 学生以其他方式通知指定办公室他或她打算退学的日期
  • 学校决定的日期与学生无法控制的情况有关
  • 学生在未提供正式通知的情况下休学的日期
  • 学期的中间点

正式退出, 退学日期为学生通知教务处或其他指定的官方办公室其退学意图的第一天.

因学生未完成一门或多门课程而非正式退学, 有效退学日期可以是学期的中点,也可以是记录在案的学术相关活动的最后日期, CC经济援助办公室确定的最能反映学生的学期入学情况.

因为一名学生被开除学籍而非正式退学, 有效的离职日期是他们发出解雇通知的日期. 停学学生, 撤销日期为中止上诉被驳回的截止日期.

We may use a last date of attendance for the effective withdrawal date if there is an emergency situation and there is third party documentation that verifies when a student stopped attending class.


规定要求学校在确定学生退学之日起30天内进行计算. CC必须在计算后45天内退还资金.

请注意:如果你有勤工俭学, 退出日期也是你在勤工俭学岗位上工作的最后一天.


由CC学生主任批准的机构休假身份的学生 在休假期间不要去其他地方的大学,一般能够在他们返回CC时续签他们的经济援助资格.


科罗拉多大学财政援助办公室决定, 根据联邦政府规定的公式, 退学学生获得的FSA/Title IV援助金额, 根据他们确定的撤离日期. 标题IV资金返还(R2T4)计算政策概述如下:



  • 学生退学期间发放的第四章助学金(如有)总额.
  • 学生退学期间本可发放的助学金总额(如有).

步骤2: 百分比 获得的第四项援助




如果学生的计算百分比超过60%, 那么这个学生就“赚到了”这段时间的所有资助. 被退学的学生必须完成R2T4计算,但他们不需要偿还或退还任何联邦资金. 机构和国家援助可能仍会下调.

步骤3: 获得的第四项援助


The percentage of Title IV aid 赚ed (step 2) multiplied by the total amount of Title IV aid disbursed or that could have disbursed for the term in which the student withdrew (Step 1).


步骤4: 第四章助学金返还、偿还或提款后支付的金额

  • 如果已经支付给退学学生的助学金等于已获得的助学金, 任务结束.
  • 如果已经支付的援助金额大于已获得的援助金额, 差额必须返还给适当的第四章援助计划.

本学期已支付的资助总额-已获得的资助金额=待退还的未获得资助 或偿还

  • 如果已经支付的援助少于获得的援助, 一个学生有本可以支付的那学期的助学金[1],我们会计算提款后的付款(PWD). 如果此提款后支出包含贷款资金, 你可以选择拒绝这些资金,这样你就不会招致额外的债务. 任何额外的支出将通过电子邮件通知您的CC帐户. 学生 have fourteen days to respond to a Post-Withdrawal Loan Disbursement notification otherwise the CC 金融援助 office will assume those students do not want those monies and their PWD will be cancelled. 补助金的PWD必须在学校确定学生退学之日起45天内发放. 在学校决定该学生退学后的30天内,必须向该学生提供贷款资金的PWD, 给学生至少14天的时间来决定接受或拒绝资助. 
请注意: 我们可能会自动使用学生提款后的全部或部分支出(包括贷款资金)来支付剩余的学费, 费用, 或者住宿费和餐费. 后来, 任何由此产生的信用余额将尽快支付给学生,不迟于支付之日起14天.

步骤5: 应从学校获得的未获得的第四章助学金金额


  • 学生没有获得的第四章资助金额
  • the amount of institutional charges that the student incurred for the payment period of enrollment multiplied by the percentage of funds that was not 赚ed.


赌博正规的十大网站必须在适用的支付期内将第四章资金返还给学生接受援助的项目, 按照以下顺序, 以从每个来源支付的净额为限:

        1. 无补贴联邦直接贷款(不包括直接加贷款)
        2. 联邦直接补贴贷款
        3. 直接PLUS贷款(家长或毕业生)
        4. 佩尔助学金
        5. 伊拉克和阿富汗服务补助金
        6. SEOG


第四章规定,学生负责所有未获得的第四章援助,赌博正规的十大网站不需要返还.  这一责任是由赌博正规的十大网站从未获得的第四章资金总额中减去返还的金额来确定的. 然而, 科罗拉多大学 chooses to return all necessary grant monies to the Department of Education directly (including the student's portion) and then bills students appropriately for the resulting balance owed to the College.


由于提款触发R2T4流程,未偿还的学生贷款将退还给教育部, 包括支付给学生的贷款减去学校在第6步偿还的任何贷款. 这些 未偿还的贷款由学生根据学生本票的条款偿还。.


The amount of grant overpayment due from a student is limited to the amount by which the original grant overpayment (step 7) exceeds half of the total Title IV grant funds disbursed and could have been disbursed to the student. 然而, 科罗拉多大学 chooses to return all necessary grant monies to the Department of Education directly (including the student's portion) and then bills students appropriately for the resulting balance owed to the College.


The student's portion of Title IV grant funding due back to the Department of Education must be returned 同样地 order that is required for schools (科罗拉多大学).


  • 学院退还的任何款项, 包括贷款资金, 可能会立即导致CC学生会计办公室的到期和欠下的余额.
  • 对于只收到第四章款项的退学学生(i.e. 任何在步骤6)中列出的援助,并期望获得未实现的信贷退款, 退款将在您完成R2T4计算后的14天内尽快处理.
  • A student's grace period for loan repayment of federal Direct Student Loans and federal Perkins Loans will begin on the day it is determined they withdrew from the College. 如果学生对贷款的宽限期或还款状况有疑问,应直接与贷款服务机构联系.

[1] Federal regulations define what it means for a student to have "Title IV funding that could have disbursed" as well as what constitutes their "institutional charges".


报告问题 - 最后更新: 08/18/2023