Remote Access Policy

从公共互联网访问赌博正规的十大网站网络上的关键信息系统和服务是赌博正规的十大网站社区很大一部分的需求. With the pandemic, 健康和安全需求是学院的首要任务,并认真对待这些风险. Colorado College takes employee concerns seriously.

Responsible office
Information Technology Services
Responsible party
Vice President for Information Technology Services / CTO
Last revision
October 2021
Approved by
The Cabinet
Approval date
October 2021
Effective date
November 2021
Last review
October 2021
Additional references


All financial and administrative policies involving community members across campus, including volunteers are within the scope of this policy. 如果在部门期望和大学政策中描述的共同方法之间存在差异, the college will look to the campus community, including volunteers to support the spirit and the objectives of college policy. Unless specifically mentioned in a college policy, the college’s Board of Trustees are governed by their Bylaws.



本政策的目的是确定远程访问方法和程序,以确保科罗拉多大学IT物理资产和数据的高水平安全性. These include network infrastructure, College servers, College workstations, Financial data, HR data, student information, 其他形式的个人信息和其他必要的信息,以支持学院的学术使命和业务职能. 该政策将定义标准批准的远程访问方法,以便任何/所有授权用户连接到赌博正规的十大网站的网络资源. 它将为管理和保护大学局域网的信息资源和服务制定指引,并使硬件的使用成为可能, software and procedures for implementing the policy.

该政策的指导思想是将赌博正规的十大网站的信息保存在赌博正规的十大网站的内部网络中. As such, 此策略旨在使用户能够完全远程访问执行其工作所需的授权资源,同时最大限度地减少学院IT资源暴露于外部威胁的风险. For example, 禁止从学院局域网(LAN)系统复制或移动包含受保护的赌博正规的十大网站信息的文件到远程工作站. 政策中未明确列出的所有政策决定都将基于这一理念.

This policy does not identify approved users or their authorization. 它只标识访问和身份验证的方法,并定义请求访问的过程. The Data Custodians, Data Owners, 或负责被访问信息的业务单元经理或应用程序管理员授予额外的访问权限.

为了提供易用性,学院提供使用VMWare平台的虚拟桌面基础设施(VDI)远程访问服务. 该服务由ITS部门维护和管理,有两个版本. 一个版本提供了对用户桌面的完全访问,并允许用户在使用虚拟终端客户端(需要下载和安装应用程序)坐在工作站上时对服务进行相同的控制. The other uses a browser based experience that offers the same compatibility.

This policy applies to all, faculty, staff, students, 赌博正规的十大网站的志愿者和承包商,他们需要在离开校园时远程访问学院网络. These users are responsible for reading, understanding, and complying with this policy.


赌博正规的十大网站的用户有责任确保他们的远程访问连接与他们的现场连接得到同样的考虑. For example, computers logged in via VDI should not be left unattended, or be used by unauthorized persons. 他们也有责任保护他们的用户凭证,以防止未经授权的用户从其他设备访问赌博正规的十大网站的网络. 任何远程访问科罗拉多大学资源的用户都要对滥用访问造成的后果负责.


Remote access must be strictly controlled. Control will be enforced via domain password authentication. 有关创建强域密码和其他与多因素身份验证相关的信息,请访问 ITS resource guides.

To use VDI, please review Colorado College’s “Connect from Off Campus” resource guide.

使用赌博正规的十大网站网络设备(校内或远程)的一般责任包括在 Acceptable Use Policy.

At no time should any Colorado College user provide their login or email password to anyone, including family members. 

Additional Requirements for Accessing Secure Data Remotely

For users that wish to access our secure resources remotely with elevated privileges, they will be required to submit a request via our ticketing system 并完成强制性的在线数据安全培训,了解如何保护机构的数据.

Additional Requirement for Contract Workers

Any contract worker requesting remote access privileges to the Colorado College network, 其中包含的系统和数据必须在授予访问权限之前提交一份签署的《赌博正规的十大网站》和一份保密协议.  In signing the agreement, 合同工承认个人或服务提供商已阅读并同意遵守本远程访问政策和赌博正规的十大网站可接受使用政策. If the contract worker will have access to secure data, 提供目录帐户的个人将需要有CC部门发起人授权访问任何CC资源.


不遵守此策略中概述的责任将导致用户的远程访问能力被撤销,直到他或她提供证据证明问题已被纠正. 滥用大学信息技术资源的人将根据滥用者的校园状况,在现行的大学政策下受到现有的纪律处分. When appropriate or required by law, 学院可以请求或向执法机构提供协助,调查涉嫌的非法活动.

任何违反此政策的承包商将被立即撤销访问权限,并将被处以至少相当于任何罚款的罚款, and all damages incurred by the College. 提供合同服务的承包商或供应商可能还会受到法律诉讼. 



Report an issue - Last updated: 11/02/2021