
The intent of this policy is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the college’s students, 教师, 工作人员, 和游客, and to ensure that essential services are provided. As a residential college operating under the Block Plan, 科罗拉多大学 does not close for severe weather. Unless there is an official announcement for limited service operations, 所有教职员工应按照以下指导方针报告工作,并将继续提供全面服务的学院运作.

Chief Operating Officer/学院院长


All financial and administrative policies involving community members across campus, including volunteers are within the scope of this policy. If there is a variance between departmental expectations and the common approach described through college policy, the college will look to the 校园社区, including volunteers to support the spirit and the objectives of college policy. Unless specifically mentioned in a college policy, the college’s 校董会 are governed by their Bylaws.



Employees should consider their safety in determining when, 或者,如果, to report to work and communicate their availability to their supervisors. In some offices, minor adjustments to the normal workday (i.e., arriving late) may be an option and are to be discussed with the supervisor. Telecommuting may be allowed for some positions with supervisor approval.


Classes will be held if prudently possible unless specifically canceled by the 教师 member. It is the responsibility of the 教师 member to communicate with their students and, 如果需要, to consult with their department chair and/or the Dean of the 教师 Office.


In the event of deteriorating weather conditions, 维持基本服务的决定将由首席运营官或指定人员做出,并与校园社区沟通. The following departments will always remain operational:

  •             校园安全
  •             Facilities Services (including custodial)
  •             住房和会议办公室
  •             餐饮服务

All other college departments and offices must establish guidelines for implementing this policy. 部门主管应根据教学进度确定将提供哪些有限的服务以及需要哪些工作人员, 特别活动, 一年中的时间, 一周中的一天. 主管和员工应就天气情况相互沟通,并制定计划,在预计恶劣天气时覆盖有限的功能.

Employees unable to make it safely to campus will be paid based on their normal work schedule. 工作人员 already on approved vacation or sick leave will still report that leave status.


学院将尽一切努力利用紧急通知系统和当地媒体与校园社区沟通. 当有疑问时, employees should seek guidance from their supervisor/department head; students should seek guidance from their professors.

All subsequent status updates will be posted to the notifications page linked from the emergency message.

For severe weather that compromises services or safety during the workday an announcement will be made as soon as possible; if overnight, an announcement will be made no later than 6 a.m. regarding the services to be provided for that day. 


校园安全及设施服务部人员密切留意平日及周末的天气情况,作为日常工作的一部分.  校园安全及设施处会在天气预报模式及公告有需要时,增加监测天气情况的频率. 赌博正规的十大网站致力于沟通工具和技巧,以准备校园及其操作与天气有关或其他严重或意外事件.  

Other useful emergency preparedness information for students, 教师, 和工作人员可以在学院网站的应急准备页面上的赌博正规的十大网站应急准备指南中找到:y4.bomabearing.com/other/preparedness/


如果校园安全和设施服务部门确定存在危险情况,并且正在或可能影响校园的正常运作, 将联系校园安全和应急管理主任,并担任事件指挥官(IC)的角色. In the absence of the director of campus safety and emergency management, the AVP of facilities services will assume the role of IC. If the facilities services AVP is unavailable, the VP for People and Workplace Culture will assume the role of IC. If none are available, the AVP for student life will assume IC. If all four are not available, the AVP for communications will assume IC.

  • The IC will contact the Core Group: the AVP of facilities, the VP for People and Workplace Culture, the AVP for student life and the AVP of communications regarding the current and projected weather conditions.
  • 核心小组将根据IC的决定进行虚拟或面对面的会议,讨论当前情况的背景,包括那些预计往返校园的人的安全风险概率.
    • Other items to be considered: time of the block, 周末和工作日, 预计风暴持续时间, 当前路况, scope and scale of storm and impacted area, 来自CSPD的更新, 科罗拉多斯普林斯市, other higher education local employers, 发布公告或警告, 还有学校的条件.
  • 核心小组将及时向首席运营官(或根据应急管理计划中的指挥链列表指定的人员)提出校园运营建议。. 这些建议将包括用于确定继续正常运营或将校园转移到有限服务运营的需要的支持性细节.  The recommendation shall include the date and hour to move the college to limited services and the anticipated duration.
  • The IC will contact the Chief Operating Officer with the Core Group’s recommendation. The Chief Operating Officer will decide the college’s status.
  • The IC will initiate communications to the college using the college’s 通信 department.


If hazardous conditions exist and are anticipated to intensify, campus safety will coordinate with the facilities service’s grounds supervisor.  地面主管将决定地面工作人员是否可以在工作日开始前安全地向校园报告开始处理与天气有关的危险情况. The grounds supervisor will determine when to mobilize snowplows, 除雪人员, and the possible supplement of contracted services. 场地主管将与校园安全和/或IC保持联系,以了解校园状况和与天气有关的缓解措施.

  • 校园安全部将与校园安全和应急管理主任联系,通报当前的天气状况.
  • The director of campus safety and emergency management will assume the role of Incident Commander (IC). In the absence of the director of campus safety and emergency management, the AVP of facilities services will assume IC. In the absence of the facilities services director, the VP for People and Workplace Culture will assume the role of IC. If none are available, the AVP for student life will assume IC. If all four are not available, the AVP for communications will assume IC.
  • The IC will determine when to contact the Core Group: the AVP of facilities, the VP for People and Workplace Culture, the AVP for student life and the AVP of communications regarding the current and projected weather conditions.
  • 核心小组将根据IC的决定进行虚拟或面对面的会议,讨论当前情况的背景以及往返校园的人员的安全风险.
  • Other items to be considered: time of the block, 周末和工作日, 预计风暴持续时间, 当前路况, scope and scale of storm and impacted area, 来自CSPD的更新, 科罗拉多斯普林斯市, 发布公告或警告, 还有学校的条件.
  • The Core Group will formulate a timely campus operations recommendation to the Chief Operating Officer. 这些建议将包括用于确定继续正常运营或将校园转移到有限服务运营的需要的支持性细节.  The recommendation shall include the date and hour to move the college to limited services and the anticipated duration.
  • The IC will contact the Chief Operating Officer with the Core Group’s recommendation. The Chief Operating Officer will decide the college’s status.
  • The IC will initiate communications to the college using the college’s 通信 department.

Severe Storm with Multi-day Impact: 

In the event severe weather is forecast for an extended duration, 紧急行动中心(EOC)将部分启动,校园安全和应急管理主任将承担IC的作用. The IC will mobilize the Core Group earlier identified in this procedure. 

In accordance with the college’s Emergency Management Plan, 这也可能促使总统的执行政策小组考虑延长多日风暴的业务连续性要素.


内阁成员有责任确保直接下属及其部门主管与部门员工讨论恶劣天气政策,并在宣布服务有限时制定部门层面的行动计划. 部门主管将决定在有限服务状态下哪些职能将继续,以及支持这些职能的职位,并将与内阁成员确认.

All departments must have pre-determined protocols for checking in with each other, 并确定哪些员工职位将提供有限的服务,如果其他员工无法安全前往校园,其他职位将作为后备.

教务长将与系主任就恶劣天气政策和应遵循的恶劣天气协议进行磋商.  Protocols shall primarily include student and 工作人员 communications concerning class status.  

各院系将评估哪些学院赞助的活动将继续或取消,并与相关用户(学生活动)进行沟通, 校园社区, 及/或公众).


报告问题 - 最后更新: 05/14/2024