Trombonist Simms (SMF '17 '18) joins American Brass Quintet

 约翰D. 罗杰克,埃里克·里德,希拉里·西姆斯,布兰登·里登诺,凯文·科布
约翰D. 罗杰克,埃里克·里德,希拉里·西姆斯,布兰登·里登诺,凯文·科布

American Brass Quintet (ABQ), 国际公认的当今首屈一指的室内乐乐团之一, announces the arrival of two new members: trumpeter Brandon Ridenour and trombonist Hillary Simms. Ridenour取代了Louis Hanzlik,他在2013年至2022年期间是ABQ的一员. Simms joins the ensemble to take Michael Powell’s place; Powell, who had been with the ABQ from 1983 to 2022, left the quintet after suffering a stroke last year.

Simms was invited to the Colorado College Summer Music Festival in both 2017 and 2018, when she worked with Festival 教师 Kevin Cobb, trumpet, and John Rojak, bass trombone. Rojak自1991年以来一直是ABQ的成员,自1998年以来一直是Cobb的成员.

"We are thrilled to add two truly wonderful, 多才多艺的艺术家作为合作伙伴和ABQ的使命管家,” said Cobb, 吹法国号的人 Eric Reed, and Rojak. “希拉里和布兰登已经为这个团队带来了新的活力和鼓舞人心的想法, not to mention a fresh look and sound. 我们迫不及待地想与全世界的观众分享这个新版本的ABQ.”

Hillary Simms

“As a student, 我想,只有在我最疯狂的梦想中,我才能与如此有声望的合奏团同台演出,与我的导师们一起表演,” said Simms. “我非常荣幸能成为美国铜管五重奏的下一任长号手,并加入茱莉亚音乐学院. Mr. Powell leaves some large shoes to fill, 我非常期待继承他的遗产,但是穿着高跟鞋.” 

“当我还是茱莉亚音乐学院的学生时,第一次听到ABQ,它给了我一个新的方向,”Ridenour说. 作为一个年轻的铜管乐手,雷和凯文质朴的小号演奏和对音乐的敏感让人大开眼界. 意识到我可以以室内乐为职业改变了我的音乐生活轨迹. 现在, to my surprise, it has all come full circle again—returning to my alma mater, Juilliard, and joining ABQ!”

Simms performs during 2018 CC Summer Music Festival

About Hillary Simms
Hailing from Torbay, Newfoundland and Labrador, 长号手希拉里·西姆斯成为第一位加入ABQ的女性. With her 2023 appointment, Hillary joins the faculty of Juilliard, 此前曾在纽芬兰纪念大学任教. 西姆斯在美国和加拿大与加拿大国家艺术中心管弦乐团合作演出, Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, 纽芬兰交响乐团和加拿大歌剧公司. 她与国家艺术中心管弦乐团首次独奏《赌博正规的十大网站》. 希拉里是加拿大妇女铜管团体艺术委员会成员,也是加拿大长号四重奏和咸水铜管五重奏的创始成员. Hillary holds a BM from McGill University, an MM from Yale University, 格伦古尔德皇家音乐学院的广告师,目前正在西北大学攻读硕士学位.

About Brandon Ridenour
Stylistically diverse as a soloist, collaborative artist, composer, and arranger, Brandon Ridenour joined the ABQ in 2023. Originally from Grand Rapids, 他毕业于密歇根的茱莉亚音乐学院,并立即开始与加拿大铜管乐团进行巡演. Simultaneously embarking on a solo career, 他是国家交响乐团的特邀独奏家, Los Angeles Philharmonic, Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center, 俄耳甫斯, Orchestra of St Luke’s, Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra and many more. On faculty at Juilliard , Manhattan School of Music and 的 New School, 他是布鲁克林一家名为Founders的以表演者和作曲家为主的合奏团的联合总监. 他曾与包括斯汀在内的各种各样的音乐家合作, James Taylor, Marvin Hamlisch, Yo-Yo Ma, Esperanza Spalding, Bruce Cockburn, Caroline Shaw, Vienna Teng, and esteemed ensembles such as the New York Philharmonic, International Contemporary Ensemble, the Knights, Mahler Chamber Orchestra, yMusic, and Publiquartet, amongst others. 

About the American Brass Quintet

Kevin Cobb (Trumpet); Brandon Ridenour (Trumpet); Eric Reed (Horn); Hillary Simms (Trombone); 约翰D. Rojak (Bass Trombone)

“的 members of the American Brass Quintet breathe as one, provide effortless well-matched phrasing, and generally produce a superbly 平衡d, fine golden sound.”
– Los Angeles Times

Since its founding in 1960, the American Brass Quintet has performed on five continents, made nearly 60 recordings, and premiered more than 150 contemporary works for brass. In addition to their performing and commissioning work, the ensemble is committed to the development of brass chamber music through higher education; the ABQ has served as Ensemble-in-Residence at 的 Juilliard School since 1987 and at the Aspen Music Festival since 1970.

“的 most distinguished” of brass quintets (American Record Guide), 该团体通过其著名的演出赢得了极高的声誉, genre-defining commissioned works, 并持续致力于一代又一代音乐家的教育. Since its founding in 1960, the American Brass Quintet has performed on five continents, made nearly 60 recordings, and premiered more than 150 contemporary works for brass.

美国铜管五重奏乐团委托著名作曲家创作作品,这些作曲家对当代室内乐和现代铜管五重奏曲目的基础都做出了重大贡献. Such composers include Robert Beaser, William Bolcom, Elliott Carter, Eric Ewazen, Anthony Plog, Huang Ruo, David Sampson, Gunther Schuller, William Schuman, Joan Tower, and Charles Whittenberg, among many others. 五重奏的新兴作曲家委托计划制作了由冉冉升起的明星戈登·菲尔曼的铜管五重奏, Jay Greenberg, Trevor Gureckis, and Shafer Mahoney. 的 group’s latest recording Perspectives (2017), one of 12 albums with Summit Records, features music by Robert Paterson, Jay Greenberg, Sebastian Currier, and Eric Ewazen, and has earned praise for bringing the “utmost cohesion, 平衡, 他们演奏的每一曲都具有强烈的表现力和技巧。”(Gramophone).

致力于通过高等教育发展铜管室内乐, 美国铜管五重奏自1987年起在茱莉亚音乐学院担任常驻乐团,自1970年起在阿斯彭音乐节担任常驻乐团. 名誉主席约瑟夫·波利西谈到了该团体在茱莉亚音乐学院的驻留, “With intelligence, 艺术, and imagination, 美国铜管五重奏是铜管乐器室内乐最高标准的典范.” In 2018, the group launched the ABQ Seminar @ Aspen, 在阿斯彭音乐节举办的为期四周的铜管室内乐强化课程,为新兴铜管五重奏和音乐家提供最高水平的培训. Since 2000, 五重奏还通过在乐团巡回演出中定期安排的短期驻地项目,分享了他们在室内乐指导和表演方面的专业知识. 为年轻的音乐家提供为期数天的室内音乐体验, 五重奏的驻地演出受到了美国各地和十几个国家的学校和社区的欢迎.

Among its numerous distinctions and citations, 美国铜管五重奏是2013年理查德J. Bogomolny国家服务奖表彰对该领域的重大和持久贡献, the highest honor accorded by Chamber Music America.

Report an issue - Last updated: 07/11/2023