
Gallup and Purdue University published a report measuring the value of a college degree through its outcomes in May 2014. 然而, rather than measure degree outcomes solely through recent graduates' salaries or graduate school placement, 就像通常做的那样, Gallup and Purdue sought to measure outcomes that better reflect the variety of reasons individuals choose to attend college. 这就产生了盖洛普-普渡指数, (美国最具代表性的大学毕业生.S. history) which "provides insight into the relationship between the college experience and whether college graduates have great jobs and great lives.“特别, the index measures six categories of experiences undergraduate students may have (the "Big Six") and the cumulative influence of those experiences on 1) preparedness for life after college, 2)工作投入, 3)个人幸福.

从2016年春季开始, 科罗拉多大学 modified the "Big Six" experiences to better reflect opportunities on the Block Plan and launched the 学生体验调查, 现在包含10种体验(列出并解释如下). Comprehensive and universally relevant measures such as these (and those outlined in the full Gallup-Purdue Index Report) allow us to more accurately identify our strengths and weaknesses, 并最终, 调整学院以更好地支持研究生的成功. 因为这些经历对研究生的成功起着重要的作用, 重要的是要确定在CC获得这些经验方面是否存在任何差距或障碍.


  1. 校外课程或项目, 包括在国外学习或学习, 国内校外街区或学期, 课程内的短期实地考察, 去巴卡校区上课, 或者在半个街区的校外课程.
  2. 实习和/或公共利益奖学金计划(PIFP)奖学金, 包括通过CC资源进行带薪或无薪实习, 通过非cc资源获得带薪或无薪实习, 还有公益奖学金.
  3. 在赌博正规的十大网站有一名教师或员工导师, 包括教职员工(顾问和非顾问), 大学管理人员或职员, 和教练.
  4. 参与时间超过一个街区的项目, 包括论文或顶点课程, 暑期合作研究,与CC的教职员工或非CC的教职员工, 担任一名CC教员的研究助理, 参与自己设计的研究项目, 或者其他项目.
  5. 领导角色, 包括学生社团, 同伴指导, 辅导, 学生会, 担任体育队长, 担任驻地顾问, 或者其他角色.
  6. Development of a meaningful relationship with someone who has a different background or culture than their own, 包括不同种族或民族的人, 社会经济地位, 宗教, 性取向, 政治面貌, 国际起源, 还有一个“其他”选项.
  7. 与科罗拉多斯普林斯/埃尔帕索县社区的接触, 包括CC社区学习课程, 非社区学习课程项目, CC俱乐部或学生组织的活动, 非cc程序或团体, 拉票:政治拉票或政治竞选中的其他工作, 以及课堂之外的其他社区服务.
  8. 参与专业和职业技能发展项目,包括就业中心工作坊或项目,Half Block或其他.
  9. Knowing at least two faculty or staff members at 科罗拉多大学 who would write them a letter of recommendation,给出了一个简单的“是”或“不是”的回答.
  10. 参与个人技能发展项目; 包括健康资源中心的互动或项目, 咨询中心项目, 牧师办公室的项目, 管家中心项目, 还有一个“其他”选项.


广泛人口群体的所有调查结果均可通过互动网站获得 CC学生体验仪表板 (需要赌博正规的十大网站登录).



54%的受访者表示至少参加过一门校外课程或项目. 为 老年人在美国,总体参与率为75%. 最常被报道的校外经历是 一门课程的短期实地考察, 35%的受访者表示有过这样的经历.

  • 国际受访者比美国受访者更有可能这样做.S. 学生参加一个短期的实地考察课程.
  • 女性受访者 和佩尔奖学金获得者 were more likely than their counterparts to report participating in a block abroad.
  • First generation students were more likely than non-first-generation students to participate in a domestic block away.


超过28%的受访者表示至少参加过一次实习或PIFP. 报道最多的实习是 通过非cc资源支付和担保, 11.5%的受访者表示参加过这类实习. 为 老年人在美国,实习和PIFP的参与率略高于54%.

  • BIPOC, 国际, 第一代受访者 were more likely than their counterparts to engage in an unpaid internship secured via CC resources.
  • 学生 not receiving Pell aid were more likely to participate in an unpaid internship secured through non-CC resources than those receiving Pell.


近82%的受访者表示至少有一名教师或员工导师, 超过93%的 老年人 报告这. 最常见的导师类型是 主要的顾问, 44.3%的受访者报告了这一类型.

  • 男性,非bipoc,美国.S., Non-first-generation, 接受佩尔的受访者比他们的同行更有可能报告有 教练 作为导师.
  • BIPOC受访者, 第一代受访者, 和佩尔奖学金获得者, 比他们的同行更有可能报告师友关系 咨询中心以外的管理员或工作人员.
  • BIPOC的受访者和接受佩尔的受访者比他们的同行更有可能报告有 主要的顾问 作为导师.
  • 与没有接受佩尔奖学金的学生相比,接受佩尔奖学金的学生更有可能报告受到过导师的指导 导师以外的教员.


24%的受访者表示至少参与过一个长期项目. 超过56% 老年人 报告了这一点,最常报告的长期项目是论文/顶点.

  • BIPOC受访者 和佩尔奖学金获得者 were more likely than their counterparts to report 担任一名CC教员的研究助理.
  • BIPOC受访者 were more likely than 白色/未知的受访者 to report participating in collaborative re搜索 projects with a CC faculty member.
  • 国际调查对象 were more likely to report participation in a self-designed re搜索 project (p=.(1)比美国.S. 学生).


超过44%的受访者表示至少担任过一个领导角色, 学生俱乐部的领导角色是最常见的(占所有受访者的27%). 超过67%的 老年人 据报道至少担任过一个领导职务.

  • 女性受访者, BIPOC受访者, 国际调查对象, 而佩尔奖学金获得者比他们的同行更有可能报告自己是一个 同行的导师.
  • 男性受访者, 白色/未知, 而非佩尔奖学金获得者比他们的同行更有可能报告自己是一个 体育的队长.
  • BIPOC受访者, 第一代受访者, 和佩尔奖学金获得者相比,他们更有可能在大学里担任领导角色 学生会 或者是 居民顾问.
  • BIPOC受访者 和佩尔奖学金获得者 were more likely than their counterparts to report leadership roles in 学生俱乐部.
  • 女性受访者更有可能将领导角色视为一种职业 导师.


大多数受访者(94.2%)报告说至少发展了一种有意义的跨文化关系, 97%的高年级学生报告了这一点. The most frequently reported cross-cultural relationship was with someone of a different race/ethnicity, 与80年.8%的受访者表示存在这种关系.

  • 女性受访者,白人/未知受访者,美国.S. 受访者, 非第一代受访者, those not receiving Pell aid were more likely than their counterparts to report developing a meaningful relationship with someone of a different 性取向 或者是不同的 社会经济地位.
  • 男性受访者, 白色/未知的受访者, 非第一代受访者 were more likely than their counterparts to report meaningful relationships with someone of a different 政治面貌.
  • BIPOC受访者 和佩尔奖学金获得者 were more likely to report meaningful relationships with someone of a different 种族或民族.
  • 白色/未知和U.S. 受访者 were more likely than their counterparts to report meaningful relationships with someone of a different 宗教.
  • White/unknown 受访者 were more likely than BIPOC受访者 to report meaningful relationships with someone of a different 性别认同
  • 国际受访者比美国受访者更有可能这样做.S. 受访者报告说,他们与不同的人建立了有意义的关系 国家的起源.


超过67%的受访者表示参与了某种形式的社区参与, 71%的人回应 老年人 报告这. Respondents most frequently reported engaging in the community through club-run or other student-run events (36.9%).

  • 女性受访者, 白色/未知的受访者, 和佩尔奖学金获得者, 是否比他们的同伴更有可能参与 课堂之外的其他社区服务.
  • 女性受访者比男性更有可能报告自己参与过 cc赞助的计划、事件或倡议.
  • BIPOC比白人/未知接受者更有可能通过 CC服务学习或CBL课程.
  • 佩尔奖学金获得者更有可能通过a 非cc程序或组.


47%的受访者表示参加了职业和技能发展项目, 64%的人 老年人 报告这. The most frequently reported skill development format reported was through the 就业中心互动 (30.6%).

  • Female students were more likely than male students to report participation in professional or career skill development through 就业中心互动.
  • 国际受访者更有可能报告参与了半块编程和 就业中心的项目或研讨会 比你还好。.S. 受访者.
  • 佩尔奖学金获得者比非佩尔奖学金获得者更有可能报告参与 管家中心项目, 咨询中心项目, 牧师办公室项目, 健康资源中心项目


Seventy-four percent of 受访者 reported knowing at least two or more faculty or staff members who would write them a letter of recommendation, with female 受访者 and international 受访者 were more likely to report this than their counterparts were.


近42%的受访者(88%的人 老年人)表示参加了个人技能发展项目,44%的老年人表示参加了这一项目. 咨询中心项目是最常报道的项目类型(17).9%).

  • BIPOC受访者, first generation and international 受访者 were more likely than their counterparts to report participation in 管家中心项目.
  • 女性受访者 and international 受访者 were more likely than their counterparts to report participation in 咨询中心项目.
  • BIPOC受访者 and 第一代受访者 were more likely than their counterparts to report participation in Chaplain’s Office programs.
  • BIPOC受访者 were more likely than 白色/未知的受访者 to report participation in Wellness Resource Center (WRC) programs.


当按学术地位划分时, 学生们在取得学位的过程中报告了更多的经验领域, 不足为奇的是. 第一年的受访者平均经历了4次.0个地区,二年级学生报告平均为4.7个地区,大三学生平均报告5.7个地区,老年人报告7个.1区.

在一般情况下, the benefits of these experiences are additive; having more of Gallup-Purdue's "Big Six" experiences is related to better preparedness for life after college, 更积极的工作投入, 更好的幸福感. 尽管仍有改进的余地, a majority of CC students are graduating with the experiences that prepare them for holistically successful and meaningful lives. 欲了解更多细节和重要发现,请联系 机构规划及成效.


报告问题 - 最后更新: 09/26/2023