

联合国的使命 CC 数学与计算机科学系 是对文科教育的贡献吗 our students, 强调逻辑思维、计算思维和定量思维. We strive to help all students develop an appreciation of the beauty and power of our disciplines. 通过研究,我们为我们研究领域的知识增长做出了贡献. 通过学习,我们 培养一个支持和包容的学生社区, faculty, 以及对数学有共同热情的员工, computer science, and statistics. 请看最近的数学和计算机科学新闻.


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We foster a supportive and inclusive learning community of faculty and students who share a passion for mathematics and computer science. It is our goal to provide a nurturing learning environment that stimulates growth and intellectual exploration.

Teaching. 块计划为协作学习和创新教学提供了一个框架. We offer a wide range of classes for non-majors and majors to explore our distinct but closely related disciplines. In our courses, 我们强调数学和计算思维, 校对和编码, 让学生们准备好解决现代世界面临的具有挑战性的问题.

Scholarship. Our faculty are active scholars with diverse research interests in computer science and mathematics. 学生们经常作为暑期研究助理参与我们的研究项目. 许多学生在专业会议上展示他们的作品, 在某些情况下, 暑期研究项目演变成毕业论文. Some faculty-student collaborations have even led to peer-reviewed publications with student co-authors.

Community. We foster a lively and friendly community of scholars and learners in mathematics and computer science. 该系主办了一个公开讲座系列(Fearless Fridays) and encourages all our students to participate and learn about computer science and mathematical ideas beyond the classroom. Department members are frequently invited to present at regional and national conferences and often serve on committees of professional organizations in their fields.

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14 E. Cache La Poudre St.
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Report an issue - Last updated: 05/13/2024