




星期二,2022年2月4日. 5 p.m.

曼尼Loley is ‘Áshįįhi born for Tó Baazhní’ázhí; his maternal grandparents are the Tódích’íi’nii and his paternal grandparents are the Kinyaa’áanii. 洛利来自新墨西哥州的卡萨梅罗湖. 他持有M学位。.F.A. in fiction from the Institute of American Indian Arts and he is a current Ph.D. candidate in English and literary arts at the University of Denver. Loley is a member of Saad Bee Hózhǫ́: Diné Writers’ Collective and director of the Emerging Diné Writers’ Institute. He is also the program coordinator for Six 方向: Indigenous Creative Writing Program through Lighthouse Writers Workshop in Denver, CO. 他的作品在Pleaides杂志上找到了一席之地,  马萨诸塞州评论, 圣达菲文学评论, 较宽的新闻, 黄色医学评论, 和 Diné Reader: an Anthology of Navajo Literature除其他外. His writing has been thrice nominated for Pushcart Prizes. 萝莉正在写一本小说 他们用手掌收集雨水.




星期二,2022年2月22日. 5 p.m.

Ghosts Are Just Strangers Who Know How to Knock (CCMPress, 2019), Aura, 一本回忆录, (将来时态书籍, 2022), 《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》(PANK Books),2023). She received her MFA in fiction and poetry from The Mile High MFA at Regis University. She reads/selects/judges for The Colorado Book Awards (2021) and is a Kenyon Review scholarship alumnus (CNF, 2021). Her writing has been published in print and online in Best Small Fictions (2021),的骚动, Entropy, 丹佛的季度, 和其他人. 她是炼金术作者服务公司的老板 & 写作研讨会, teaches creative writing at Lighthouse Writers and University of Denver’s College for Professional Studies. 她和她的伴侣住在丹佛, son, 还有他们的猫, Larry, where she also hosts/organizes At the Inkwell Denver, a literary reading series and liberated space for all voices.


Fatimah Asghar & 萨菲亚Elhillo


Fatimah Asghar 是作家和电影制作人. In 2011 she created a spoken word poetry group in Bosnia and Herzegovina while on a Fulbright studying theater in post-genocidal countries. She is the writer and co-creator of Brown Girls, an Emmy-Nominated web series. A Ruth Lily and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Fellow, she was also featured on the 2017 Forbes’ 30 Under 30 list. 她是……的作者 如果他们来找我们 (《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》,2018). 她是…的联合编辑 如果你听到我的话, an anthology that celebrates Muslim writers who are also women, queer, 性别不符合和/或变性.

萨菲亚Elhillo 他是 一月的孩子 内布拉斯加大学出版社, 2017), which received the the Sillerman First Book Prize for African Poets and an Arab American Book Award, 不死的女孩 (One World/Random House 2021), 和 novel in verse 家不是国家 (《赌博正规的十大网站》/兰登书屋,2021年出版). With Fatimah Asghar, she is co-editor of the anthology 如果你听到我的话 (Haymarket Books, 2019). She is currently a Wallace Stegner Fellow at Stanford University and lives in Oakland.




Sponsored by the 科罗拉多大学 English Department with the support of the MacLean Visiting Writers Endowment. All events are presented online only and are open to the public. 需要提前登记. 请使用为每个活动提供的链接.



星期二,2021年9月14日. 6 p.m. 

诺拉·布鲁克斯·布莱克利, 曾在芝加哥公立学校任教, founded Chocolate Chips Theatre Company (1982-2011) and was its primary playwright. Ms. Blakely is the daughter of two writers, Henry Blakely and Gwendolyn Brooks. 她于2001年创立了Brooks Permissions. The company licenses and promotes her mother's work and develops programming and publications which demonstrate Gwendolyn Brooks' continuing relevance. 诺拉的第一本绘本, 莫扬达和《赌博正规的十大网站》 宽扎节的起源是什么. 该片将于今年秋天上映.


2021年10月5日. 5 p.m.

拉吉夫Mohabir 是三部诗集的作者 Cutlish (Four Way Books 2021) 牛郎之子 (Winner of the Kundiman Prize, Tupelo Press 2017), and 标本制作师的切割 (Winner of the Four Way Books Intro Prize, Four Way Books 2016). 他还翻译了 我甚至后悔之夜:德米拉胡里节之歌 (1916) (Kaya Press 2019) received the 2020 Harold Morton Landon Translation Award from the American Academy of Poets. 他的回忆录 Antiman (Restless Books 2021) received the Restless Books’ New Immigrant Writing Prize. Currently he is an Assistant Professor of poetry in the MFA program at Emerson College, 翻译编辑 连雀》杂志.


《下田布兰登 他是 several books of poetry and prose, most recently 墙上的坟墓 (City Lights, 2019), which received the PEN Open Book Award, and 沙漠 (《宋洞》,2018年). 他即将出版的书是 九头蛇美杜莎 (Nightboat Books) and a book of nonfiction on the afterlife of Japanese American incarceration, for which he received a Creative Nonfiction grant from the Whiting Foundation. 他刚来科罗拉多斯普林斯, where he is Assistant Professor of Creative Writing at 科罗拉多大学.



2020年11月2日. 5 p.m.

点Devota 他是 劳动分工 (救援出版社), 女孩们非常担心 (诺埃米•出版社), 永恒的城墙 (书*拥抱), Dept. 遗书 (Argos Books),最近, 经前症候群:诗歌杂志 (救援出版社). 节选自她的非虚构小说, 《赌博正规的十大网站》, 发表于 笔美国丹佛的季度, 在 诗歌的基础在其他地方. Her recent manuscript >SHE 是自身免疫的产物吗. Devota的 墙上的诗 are large-scale calligraphic installations which have exhibited nationally at museums and galleries. She has given readings in Syria, Lebanon, Japan, Taiwan, and throughout Europe and North America.



Kathryn Walsh Kuitenbrouwer is a Canadian writer who resides in a pre-Confederation settler stone house in the middle of Ontario, 加拿大莫霍克人的领地. Her teaching interests are creativity and creative writing, particularly writing that emerges from the passions and idiosyncratic desires of the writer. She believes that our best stories can be located in the hidden corners of our unconscious selves. Her personal interests include ethical and local food production (and eating it), dogs, forests, 查清, 游泳, 短时间运行, 长距离的散步, 随机舞蹈休息, 精神分析理论. 哦,是的,还有写作. 她喜欢画大自然的东西, 绘画, 穿着戏服, 笑, 在奇怪的地方寻找快乐. Her boss once remarked of her that she was “suspiciously happy.这基本上是正确的. 她出版了三本小说, 一本短篇小说集, 以及, 许多论文, reviews, 面试, 以及国际上的短篇小说. 你可以在 www.kathrynkuitenbrouwer.com





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