





科斯格罗夫学生研究基金旨在支持历史专业的学生, 用连字符连接专业, 和 未成年人) working with 历史 faculty mentors on historical re搜索 projects that cannot be undertaken at CC or through Inter-Library Loan. 这项研究可以在常规学年或学年期间进行, 得到全体教员的同意, 在夏天. 学生可以申请资助去图书馆的旅费, 档案馆或博物馆进行现场研究, 进行口述历史访谈, 或者为研究项目收集其他材料. 我们支持直接旅行费用, 生活费用适中, 和 re搜索 costs up to $800 和 encourage students to apply for Venture Grant Funding first or concurrently.

我们特别支持通过Venture预先批准的项目, 与学生毕业证书相关的项目, 或者是与教员密切合作进行的项目. 



  1. Detailed proposal describing the project, its timetable, 和 its specific re搜索 needs (i.e., listing the libraries/ archives/museums to be visited 和 the materials that the applicant hopes to examine). 请具体描述你希望你的研究结果是什么.e. 论文、报告等。. 
  2. Brief Letter of support from CC 历史 Department member OR arrange for a 历史 Department member to speak on your behalf at the department meeting. 
  3. 详细的预算, 用机票或里程, 食宿费用, 以及研究费用(影印), 图片, 等.)
  4. Acknowledgement of funding upon receipt in written or oral presentations of re搜索*


Applications are accepted on a rolling bases 和 will be considered at the next department meeting (first Wednesday of each block) after submission. 所有的材料都要在晚上提交给玛丽 msmith2023@bomabearing.com. We ask for submissions to be submitted with at least two blocks of lead time prior to the dates of the project. 

罗伯特D. 麦克吉姆西暑期学生研究奖学金

Please note that there are no current opportunities for this fellowship in the summer of 2024. 如果有机会的话, 在读历史专业, 未成年人, 连字符专业将被通知机会和新的截止日期.


玛丽·史密斯(msmith2023@bomabearing.com)或Carol Neel教授(cneel@bomabearing.com


罗伯特D. 麦克吉姆西夏季研究奖每年最多可颁发两届, Classics-历史-Politics, 历史-Political科学, 历史-哲学专业或历史辅修专业. 学生必须在获得研究奖后至少一个学期回到CC. Eligible students are those whose interests 和 skills match those of 科罗拉多大学 历史 faculty sufficiently that they are able to support specific faculty in their re搜索 toward publication. 奖金最高可达4,800美元,为期八周(或按比例缩短)。. 在这些研究的过程中, 学生与个别教授密切合作,以确定主要来源, 调查和评估学术批评, 并支持不同阶段的研究和写作, 从研究问题的形成到校样的校对. 虽然这样的学生参与有利于教师奖学金, the primary goal of McJimsey awards is to support the development of students' re搜索 interests 和 skills through apprenticeship. 在这里, especially able 和 engaged students are able to participate in publishable re搜索 和 experience the steps through which a scholarly project moves from initial conception toward book or article form.



On the first Monday of Block 5 the 历史 Department will release descriptions of summer projects that they are seeking student support for. Student will have until the third Monday of Block 5 to apply for these re搜索 positions. 感兴趣的学生必须提交当前的简历, 成绩单, 和 cover letter that details why they are interested in the project 和 why they believe they would be a good fit for the position. 申请材料请寄至玛丽·史密斯(msmith2023@bomabearing.com),邮件主题注明你所申请的职位. 教师可以自行决定是否进行面试. 

在第5区的最后一天,教师将宣布他们的候选人选择. 教师 will then work with their selected students to formally apply for the McJimsey funding. 


申请截止日期为Block 5的第三个星期一. 

的 历史 Department is not accepting student proposals for funding (please see the Cosgrove Re搜索 Fund if you are interested in such opportunities). 而, we will publish a list of specific faculty projects which students can apply to be re搜索 assistants for. 




玛丽·史密斯(msmith2023@bomabearing.com)或Amy Kohout教授(akohout@bomabearing.com)


的 历史 Department is delighted to announce an opportunity for two students (must be a rising sophomore, 初级, 或高年级申请):CSPM的公共历史奖学金.

的 fellows will work closely with Professor Amy Kohout 和 the museum’s Curator of 历史, 利亚·戴维斯·威瑟罗, to support a current museum project while learning about all aspects of the museum’s public history work. 以前的研究员进行过档案研究, 文稿草稿, 并支持数字历史项目. 的y have also worked in 和 with the museum’s collections 和 helped with special summer outreach events.

博物馆已经关闭,进行大规模的暖通空调翻新, 所以我们暂停了2023年的奖学金项目. 博物馆将于2024年6月1日重新开放! 2024年夏天, our focus will be on helping to develop an exhibit focused on 公民权利 和 Social Justice (a theme which might open up ways to think across a lot of Colorado history). We anticipate following a structure that will include a mixture of regular work at the museum (rotating through departments to experience a range of museum work), 暑期阅读相关的学术知识,这将有助于新展览的框架, 以及展品研究,甚至是一些展品文本的起草.



To apply for this fellowship opportunity, send the following via email to 玛丽·史密斯(msmith2023@bomabearing.com)历史系:

(1) a short essay (1-2 pages) explaining why you are interested in this opportunity 和 how it connects to your larger academic program 和 personal goals



申请截止日期为第6区第四个星期一(3月11日下午5点). 历史和历史专业优先,历史辅修专业优先. 决定将在第7部分的第一周结束时公布.

见Amy Kohout教授(akohout@bomabearing.com),以进一步了解这个令人兴奋的机会.





暑期实习基金奖励计划 increases the ability of 科罗拉多大学 students to participate in internship opportunities, 其中许多仍未得到报酬(或报酬过低)。. 目前都是赌博正规的十大网站的学生 who will return to campus for a minimum of one full semester beyond the summer funded are eligible to receive one award during their four undergraduate years. 发现自己独立实习的学生可以申请这笔资金.

历史专业, 用连字符连接专业, 和 未成年人 who are pursuing history-related internships are encouraged to apply to the 暑期实习基金奖励计划 我和历史系一起工作. 这样的学生可能有资格从部门获得额外的资助.

至少10周的实习经历  400小时有资格获得4000美元的津贴. 至少8周的实习经历  240小时有资格获得2500美元的津贴. 的 历史 Department may contribute additional funds for other elements that contribute toward the success 和 completion of the internship.


的 Office of the Dean of the College encourages you to submit your request for funding on the 峰会门户 在春季早些时候,以确保资金不会耗尽. 你的实习  需要被接受或担保才能申请. 当你接受了一份工作并收到雇主的确认书时, the office will work with you on adjustments to your application 和 their assessment of your eligibility for funds.


考虑的第一个截止日期是2024年3月15日. 的 sooner you start your 搜索, the more proactive you can be for this application. Applications will continue to be accepted until funds run out or May 15, whichever comes first. Please note: It is typical for the 职业中心 to allocate all funds 和 start a waiting list by April 1, so you are encouraged to submit your application as early as possible to avoid this uncertainty.

通过CC申请以下机会 峰会门户.



凯勒创业基金, 由凯勒家族基金会赞助, 让你想象, 善于表达, 把你自己的原创研究项目变为现实. 今天就申请凯勒创业基金.



的目的 盖洛德独立研究奖 is to encourage 和 support independent work by students interested in Asian Studies. 奖项将颁发给个人和小组提出的项目.



保罗·弗雷德里克·谢弗罗马天主教研究基金 为学生和教师的旅行和学习提供资助, 提供图书馆资料, 资助在罗马天主教社区服务机构实习, 并支持客座讲师和访客.

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报告问题 - 最后更新: 05/23/2024