社交媒体 Guidelines

作为一名社交媒体经理,你在赌博正规的十大网站的故事讲述中扮演着不可或缺的角色. Social media allows us to preserve moments, engage in conversation, share enthusiasm for the work done by our students, 教师, 工作人员, 校友, CC的朋友们.

在社交媒体上代表赌博正规的十大网站需要坚持大学标准. These industry standard social media guidelines are intended to help CC 工作人员, 教师, students who manage or contribute to official CC social media channels. 这些指导方针不适用于校园内由学生管理的团体的社交媒体账户.


每个社交媒体帐户在任何时候都至少有两个管理员:一个管理员和一个备份管理员. A student may be enlisted to help manage an account, 但不应该建立或拥有帐户的最高级别(管理员)权限. Ideally, accounts should have a shared @coloradocollege.Edu的电子邮件地址,用户名和密码,这样帐户就不会绑定到特定的个人. 联系 ITS解决方案中心 if you need a shared email address created.


我们建议对您访问的每个社交媒体帐户应用多因素身份验证, including any personal profiles used for administering business pages. MFA adds another layer of protection in addition to your username and password. 一般, the additional factor is a token, 短信, 或者一个手机应用程序,你用它来确认你是登录的人. Learn how to turn on MFA for various social media platforms.

计划在每个学期和夏季开始时更改社交媒体账户的密码, immediately after any suspicious activity such as a security notification, or when a social media administrator leaves their role or the college.



如果一个社交媒体帐户的所有者要离开学校或者不再希望成为帐户管理员, a new administrator should be identified immediately. 所有权应该转移给那个人,前雇员拥有的任何管理权限都应该被取消. For some platforms (LinkedIn, Facebook), this requires the removal of their profile as an administrator. Other platforms such as Twitter and Instagram require a change of password. If you have MFA enabled, 通过更新所使用的MFA方法或手机号码,确保将身份验证措施更改为新的管理员.


当你命名你的社交媒体渠道时,与CC建立一个清晰的联系是非常重要的. It is preferable to use 科罗拉多大学 or CC in your profile name and handle, followed by your dep艺术ment or program name. Be consistent with your profile name and handle across social media platforms. 确保你使用的是人们已经熟悉的部门、办公室或项目的名称.

如果你所在的部门, 办公室, or program name is too long to use in full form, abbreviate only when necessary. If you must use an acronym in your name or handle, 列出你的部门, 办公室, or program’s full title in the bio section for each platform. 

如果您现有的社交媒体帐户的名称不符合这些指导原则, 大多数社交媒体平台都允许你在创建账户后更改名称.

Avatars and Cover Photos

The Office of Communications & 市场营销为所有大学课程提供社交媒体头像(头像), 部门, 和办公室. By using these graphics, accounts are aligned with CC’s visual identity, 它确保社交媒体用户可以立即识别官方CC帐户. The Office of Communications & 市场营销 will work with you to create your avatar graphics, which you can request when you register your account(s), will provide recommendations for cover photos.

Bio and About Information

你的个人简历或个人信息是描述你的部门或项目的使命和与CC的关系的关键. For Instagram and Twitter in p艺术icular, the bio is the first thing your audience sees when they visit your profile. 确保这部分是完整的,有准确的联系信息,并标记主要的抄送帐户,以显示您的从属关系. Include a link to the CC website when possible.

Use only one or two account tags or links in your bio or about messaging. Anything more is hard to consume, especially on mobile devices. It’s important to keep your bio and about information concise and up to date.


Accounts must be regularly maintained and comply with all college policies. 然而,多久更新一次社交媒体页面并没有正确或错误的答案, posting two or three times per week is ideal and once per week is a minimum. 

内容 should follow CC’s Visual Identity Guidelines, Editorial Style Guide, Master Communications Plan. 社交媒体管理员可以访问帆布中的模板来创建图形和 Digital Asset Management system for official college photography. 如果你有任何问题,或者想在帆布或D进行培训,请联系通讯办公室.A.M.

Make sure to follow the college’s 版权政策. 此策略有助于防止在内容创建和发布过程中侵犯版权, also protects your work and rights as an author or creator of images, 艺术, 文档, 以及其他内容.

未经授权,不要在网上讨论机密或敏感的内部问题. 留意有关学生教育纪录私隐的法例(FERPA)、受保护的健康信息(HIPAA)和个人身份信息. 不要发布有关教师、学生、校友或其他员工的机密或私人信息. 

When representing 科罗拉多大学 on social media:

  • 使用适当的、包容的语言(我们、我们、我们的),并代表CC及其使命. 避免使用第一人称代词、行话、首字母缩略词、机构语言或缩写.
  • We encourage our fans and followers to post, 评论, 并与我们的社交媒体档案以及社交媒体社区中的其他人进行互动. Make sure to encourage conversation and engage with positive 评论s. 如果他们是出于尊重,不要删除批评的帖子. 除了, 除非你能提供有助于解决问题的信息,否则不要参与争论或回复负面评论和直接信息, or a clarification or acknowledgment is needed on behalf of the college. 回顾学院的 社交媒体 Comment Guidelines 了解更多信息.
  • Delete or hide 评论s that are abusive, 包含亵渎, are threatening in tone, devolve into personal attacks, 或者是垃圾邮件.
  • When you discuss college-related matters, you may need to coordinate your writing with the Office of Communications & 市场营销. When in doubt, please contact the Office of Communications & 市场营销 for guidance or consultation.

检查 social media best practices for additional information.

Emergencies/Crisis Communication

In the event of an emergency or crisis situation, 帐户管理员被要求只分享CC主要社交媒体帐户提供的官方信息,并在官方学院消息中分享. 这确保了信息的准确性、一致性和最新信息的共享. You will receive guidance directly from the Office of Communications & 市场营销 in these situations.

Deactivating Accounts

如果你的任何社交媒体账户是不活跃的,你没有资源或计划恢复活动, 应该强烈考虑无限期隐藏页面或取消发布/停用页面. 黑客可以针对不受监控的账户获取信息或开始发布欺诈性内容. 还记得, 大多数社交媒体允许你在公众视野中隐藏你的个人资料,并可以在以后重新激活它.

Register Your Account(s)

Once you have reviewed and implemented these guidelines, make sure to register your social media accounts to be considered for inclusion in the college’s official 社交媒体 目录. 注册您的帐户不仅可以增加您的曝光率,还可以访问正在进行的更新, 援助, training opportunities. Once your accounts are registered, 你的内容可以被分享,你的个人资料可以被主要的CC社交媒体账户标记.

如果您需要与这些指导方针相关的帮助或指导,请联系 Office of Communications & 市场营销.


报告问题 - 最后更新: 06/29/2023